Hangarau Pūeru - Textile Technology 2018
Welcome to my class.
"Through discussion comes knowledge.
Through knowledge comes learning.
Through learning comes understanding."
Technology education in New Zealand explores how, beginning with a need or opportunity, new products and systems are developed and how technological developments impact on our world. It also aims for students (to develop “a broad technological literacy”) to gain skills, knowledge, and understanding that will enable them to thoughtfully live with, critique, and contribute to the technological developments that shape our lives.
The school year has been divided into two cycles.
1. Through various learning experiences offered in class, you will explore the performance properties of materials, acquire knowledge, language and skills needed to develop your own technological products or systems in cycle two.
2. You will also explore the characteristics of various technological outcomes:
Year 7 students will identify and describe the links between the physical and functional attributes of given technological outcomes.
Year 8 students will describe how two technological outcomes with similar physical attributes can have different functional attributes and vice versa. In addition to this, extension students will identify and describe what is “proper function and other function” of various technological outcomes.